What does procrastination cost you?

No doubt you’re well aware of the obvious ways procrastination impacts your life – late for a meeting (again), the fully-booked house you wanted to reserve for the holidays, or the apologetic call to a client for not delivering a project on time. But do you realise that you’re paying an even bigger price in lost opportunities and bottom-line financial costs?
3 Simple financial ratios that measure business performance

If all you’re doing is keeping track of your transactions, you could be missing key information about your businesses’ financial health. To measure your success and plan for the unexpected, take some time to consider these financial ratios next time you review your financial statements. Management thinker Peter Drucker is quoted as saying that “you […]
Must employees disclose their vaccination status?
While employers cannot force their employees to be vaccinated, there are various grounds for dismissing employees who object, provided that the employer has conducted a thorough risk assessment to determine the need for vaccination. They also need to provide every possible reasonable solution to accommodate them. One of the grounds on which an employer can let go of an employee who refuses the jab is the refusal of […]
Why investing in youth is good for your business
It was Nelson Mandela that famously said, “The youth of today are the leaders of tomorrow”. And although some years have passed since his death, his words still echo true. How we treat our youth (legally defined in South Africa as people between the ages of 15-35) will have a lasting impact on the growth of our country and even local businesses. Staggeringly, […]