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Save costs and improve fleet efficiency

Small Fleet Efficiency Savings

Business logistics matter to every organisation regardless of the scope, industry, or specialisation. And, as most businesses will be working towards reducing overheads to increase profits, effectively managing the cost of your fleet of vehicles can’t be overlooked.

8 Must-have leadership skills

Good leaders have skills that enable them to get the most from their teams and, as a result, growth and success – not just for themselves, but for their employees, too.

4 Ways to increase profit margins

Boosting your revenue may be a priority, but you should never lose sight of your profit because it’s this that answers the critical questions about your business, such as whether you’re making money or pricing your products properly.

Is your accountant speaking Greek to you?

… And we don’t mean that your accountant hails from the Mediterranean. For non-financially inclined business owners, there’s a vocab that you need to get a handle on

Are you the bottleneck in your business?

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Is your inability to delegate the reason why your business isn’t growing? Deciding what not to do is just as important as deciding what to do. After all, you can’t and shouldn’t be doing everything yourself.

Why choose Xero for your growing business?

a colour image of an office with a sign of Xero inside

Why do we recommend Xero cloud-based accounting software for growing companies? For starters, because its plans easily accommodate the different stages and needs of developing businesses,

5 Financial reports you need to understand

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The growth and expansion phase of any business is exciting. It creates new opportunities, attracts new customers, and generates more revenue and higher profits. But if you or your team don’t understand financial reporting or have the skills to analyse these reports, you’ll struggle to make informed decisions about how best to grow your business.

Estate planning is more than just writing a will

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Procrastination is the biggest enemy of estate planning. While nobody likes thinking about dying, if you don’t plan for it you may leave family feuding, assets going to the wrong people, drawn-out litigation, and more money paid in estate taxes than what’s necessary.

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